- Progression was written by Justus Reinhardt
- It was beautifully drawn, inked and shaded by John Howard (@JohnHowardDraws)
- It was gorgeously colored and lettered by Fariz Muzakki (@MuzakkiStudio)
- For easier, full-resolution viewing on desktop devices, or devices with larger screens, you may also visit my related DeviantArt post
- Click here to view all of my webcomics
About Progression
Progression is a deeply personal short story about a girl who realizes that she must seek love and support to overcome self-harm. It was inspired by my mental health journey as a child, adolescent and young adult.
Progression was also inspired by my own struggles with self-harm, which began in early elementary school. It wasn’t until my mid-twenties that I permanently stopped hurting myself, and through trial and error, found the right regiment of prescribed medications that worked for me. I still suffer most days (as so many of us do).
In high school, I used to self-harm in class and (as is discussed in my poem, Meaning in Existence) fantasize about death. I’m so grateful that I received help when I did and that I’ve always had tremendous support from my family and friends. My greatest turning point was when I gave my grandmother my razor blade.
In July 2019, I finished the rough draft of my second one-page comic. After having recently commissioned Fariz Muzakki to complete a few extra edits of things that I had initially overlooked as a writer, Progression is now truly as I had always envisioned it to be.