Just another silly author who publishes deeply personal literature regarding mental health and the human condition

Progression: A Comic About Overcoming Self-Harm

Progression: A Comic About Overcoming Self-Harm


  • Progression was written by Justus Reinhardt
  • It was beautifully drawn, inked and shaded by John Howard (@JohnHowardDraws)
  • It was gorgeously colored and lettered by Fariz Muzakki (@MuzakkiStudio)

About Progression

Progression is a deeply personal short story about a girl who realizes that she must seek love and support to overcome self-harm. It was inspired by my mental health journey as a child, adolescent and young adult.

Progression was also inspired by my own struggles with self-harm, which began in early elementary school. It wasn’t until my mid-twenties that I permanently stopped hurting myself, and through trial and error, found the right regiment of prescribed medications that worked for me. I still suffer most days (as so many of us do).

In high school, I used to self-harm in class and (as is discussed in my poem, Meaning in Existence) fantasize about death. I’m so grateful that I received help when I did and that I’ve always had tremendous support from my family and friends. My greatest turning point was when I gave my grandmother my razor blade.


In July 2019, I finished the rough draft of my second one-page comic. After having recently commissioned Fariz Muzakki to complete a few extra edits of things that I had initially overlooked as a writer, Progression is now truly as I had always envisioned it to be.

Justus Reinhardt

Justus Reinhardt enjoys writing articles, comics, poetry and prose stories. Through his compositions, Justus' goal is to help others by providing awareness to misunderstood topics.

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