To purchase commissions, please visit the Product Page of this website.
Details & Pricing
In limited batches, I’m currently taking commissions for haiku, tanka, free verse poems (of up to 36 lines), and articles (of up to 1,000 words). All commissions are unique and will be written just for you, about any topic you want. I will conduct research as necessary and will write about anything as long as your topic isn’t gratuitously violent, overly sexual or political, discriminative or hateful, etc.
Upon placing an order, you may be asked to provide information regarding your order’s format. You must also tell me what you would like me to write about (or if you are unsure, you can opt to have me write about whatever inspires me). Please provide no more than a few paragraphs regarding what you would like your poem or article to be about. Additional formatting requests for articles may exceed this limit but should still be no more than a few paragraphs in length.
Poems and articles will be received as digital downloads of .DOCX and/or .PDF files within about one month of purchase. Products will be sent to the email address you provide.
Ordering a poem for a special occasion is a great way to celebrate an event or show someone you care. They make impactful, personal gifts. Poems can also be written just for you and are great for businesses!
Personalized poems may be commissioned to express joy or provide catharsis. I will always reference my own knowledge and experiences, especially if you would like me to write about your thoughts, anxieties, passions, insecurities, or anything else that is affecting you. However, commissioned poems don’t always have to be about serious topics either.
Haiku have 3 lines and a syllable count of 5/7/5. They are untitled, unrhymed, and do not contain similes or metaphors. In addition, haiku tend to be written about nature and in incomplete sentences. These poems end with a moment of revelation. 2 options are available:
- A single haiku consisting of 3 lines
- $21.95
- A set of 3 related haiku, each consisting of 3 lines
- $44.95
Like haiku, tanka are traditional Japanese poems. Tanka have 5 lines and a syllable count of 5/7/5/7/7. Furthermore, tanka are written in a single, unrhymed, and unbroken sentence. They lack punctuation and have a pivot midway. 2 options are available:
- A single tanka consisting of 5 lines
- Costs $29.95
- A set of 3 related tanka, each consisting of 5 lines
- Costs $74.95
Free Verse
All free verse poetry commissions will start at 4 lines. 5 options are available:
- A single free verse poem ranging from 4 to 8 lines with a mode of 4 words per line
- Costs $29.95
- A single free verse poem ranging from 9 to 12 lines with a mode of 4 words per line
- Costs $37.95
- A single free verse poem ranging from 13 to 20 lines with a mode of 4 words per line
- Costs $49.95
- A single free verse poem ranging from 21 to 28 lines with a mode of 5 words per line
- Costs $64.95
- A single free verse poem ranging from 29 to 36 lines with a mode of 6 words per line
- Costs $79.95
Articles can be commissioned for personal or professional use. Well-written articles with custom formatting can be used to enhance blogs and websites while optimizing search engine results. I have experience writing to capture Google’s featured snippet and would love to write for you or your organization.
Short and long-form articles will be written in 100-word increments, ranging from 400 to 1,000 words per article. Each article costs just under $8 dollars per 100 words, with an additional $18 dollars charged for any and all reasonable* formatting requests regarding things like: article layout, custom headers, fonts and font sizes, tables, and works cited pages.
You may also request to have your article written in different styles. I will write any of the following article types:
- How-To Guides
- Explainers
- Knowlege-sharing
- Research-based
- Tutorials and Walkthroughs
I will also write in any of the following tones:
- Conversational
- Educational
- Informative
- Persuasive
- Professional / Formal
When placing any article-related order, please tell me the style and tone you would like your article written in.
Files and additional text can be sent to my email address at if you would like to provide formatting examples or if you were not able to type everything you needed in the order form.
Because I will conduct my own research when writing your article, they can be written about virtually anything you want (as long as conducting online research is possible). I compose my articles in Microsoft Word. I also edit my articles for clarity and use Grammarly to check for spelling errors that I may have missed.
To view my professional resumé, please visit the contact page of this website. You may also view my personal portfolio.
My poetry can be viewed within this subset of my portfolio. Within this article of over 400 words are also 3 of my many free verse poems.
Unrelatedly, custom orders for articles may resemble this one, such as when I was a content writer for Awi Media. Standard orders may look more like this article.
Upon placing an order, you acknowledge that you may not receive your order for up to one month following its processing date. If I am not undergoing multiple orders, you may receive it much faster. If you have a deadline that you would like me to complete your poem or article by, please let me know in your order form so that I can best accommodate you.
Furthermore, I retain the rights to my own content regardless of whether it is a poem or an article. By placing an order, you agree that I may publish what I have written for you (on this site, on social media, or elsewhere). By buying a poem, you agree that (though you are certainly welcome to post and share your commission wherever you would like) you will never publish it on my behalf. By having an article commissioned, you agree that you will give me credit where legally applicable.
If I have any questions or if you do not provide a description for your order when checking out, I will reach out to you via email.
Any Other Questions?
Click here to view the Refunds Policy page of this website.
If you experience any trouble with the site or need to contact me directly about your order, please feel free to email me at