Just before Max Bemis released his first-ever podcast on the music streaming site, Bandcamp, I released a 2022 article about what it was like to have met him and his wife, Sherri Dupree-Bemis. I also wrote, in general, about artists bridging the gap between performers and fans.
Since 2017, Max has written and recorded 4 songs for me and my family. My brother, mother, and grandparents were delighted and brought to tears by the messages I helped him convey through his songs: unique messages that we cherish and will have for as long as we live.
Max is known as a comics writer for publishers like DC and Marvel, and for playing in the renowned alternative rock band, Say Anything. Furthermore, Max released the first single from his solo project just weeks before this article was posted. He has released music under the guise of Perma, Two Tongues, Maxim Mental, and Max Bemis & the Painful Splits.
If you’d like to learn more about Max’s life, how I met him, the process I underwent to commission songs, and my thoughts on the alternative rock music scene, please read the following article. Max’s music has meant much to me throughout the years, so I encourage you to explore his discography too!
Meeting My Musical Idol
On January 16, 2022, I had an amazing experience meeting a man whose music, writing, and journey as an individual has tremendously inspired me since I was 13 years old. I met Max Bemis, most popularly known for performing in the indie rock band, Say Anything, and for writing comics for publishers like Boom, DC, and Marvel.
When I was 13, I attended my first-ever concert with my dad and a close friend. I saw Say Anything open for My Chemical Romance on the latter’s US tour for The Black Parade. Seeing Gerard Way and Max Bemis dance and sing on stage with fervent passion was surreal and has impacted my taste in rock music ever since.
Furthermore, Max’s confessional lyrics and openness regarding the matters in his life have inspired me to share his (and my own) art with others. I’ve always taken comfort in knowing that many of us have similar thoughts (and that sometimes, these thoughts are just as uncomfortable and distressing as my own).
I take catharsis in Max’s art (as I know others do with their favorite compositions) and know I am not alone in my neuroses.
Since 2009, Max has been married to Sherri Dupree-Bemis, a fellow musician and lead singer of the band, Eisley. They have a beautiful family of 5 children (4 girls and 1 boy). Though raising a large family comes with many trials and tribulations, Max and Sherri have remained open with their fans.
Just as Max has remained transparent regarding his struggles with bipolar disorder, self-medication, and co-dependency, Sherri declared on Instagram in March 2022 that she was going to a rehabilitation center to get sober from alcohol.
Relatedly, and for nearly his entire career, Max has taken criticism for his lifestyle, views, and perhaps especially for his creations.
Because he writes comics with progressive, bold messages, and songs with unashamed, honest lyrics (that unknowing to casual listeners, sometimes relate to his created characters), Max has been labeled as a “social justice warrior.” He has even been labeled as delusional, sexist, and blatantly cruel. I strongly believe that the opposite is true.
To be fair, I am indeed writing this article with bias because I am a fan of Max Bemis as a musician. I also admit that no one is perfect and that we all make mistakes.
For example, Max once removed himself from X (at the time, Twitter) because he had been acting aggressively and arguing with those who would criticize and threaten his loved ones online. He has also written lyrics criticizing others.
Despite this, however, and as is mentioned in his song, “Admit It!!!,” Max’s greatest criticisms are aimed at those who judge with little or no remorse.

Bridging the Gap Between Performers and Fans
In high school, I was hospitalized twice due to struggles with mental illness. While it upsets me that Max’s wife is struggling with her sobriety, I think what matters most is that she is indeed seeking help and that her family remains as happy and healthy as possible.
In addition, I’ve been fortunate because, despite the hardships they’ve endured, Max and Sherri have always delivered the products and services I’ve purchased from them. In my opinion, this reflects positively on their character.
Yet how exactly did I meet Max? I met Max through the purchasing of a 40-minute, private, live acoustic show, where he played 5 songs for me that I had previously selected from a list of his most popular songs. I paid for this session through the service, Song Stream, and attended the show with my grandmother (who is also a big fan).
Max was attentive, humble, and seemed genuinely interested in our comments and questions. He also improvised, recorded, and played a 6th song commissioned for my mother. Before the session ended, my grandmother and I even met Sherri and their child, Charlie!
Throughout his career, Max has been condemned by frustrated fans for having never released another record with the same angst and level of vulgarity as his sophomore LP, “…Is a Real Boy.”
While some claim that Max’s creativity peaked amidst a manic breakdown while recording the aforementioned record, he has never stopped pushing the boundaries of what it means to be a creator.
Though best known for having performed in the band, Say Anything, from 2000 to 2018, Max is still renowned for his other musical endeavors. These include the acoustically driven, Max Bemis & the Painful Splits, and the supergroups: Two Tongues (with fellow singer-songwriter, Chris Conley, of Saves the Day) and Perma (with Sherri Dupree-Bemis).
In March 2022, Max also premiered the debut single, “Evermore (and the Grammy Goes to),” from his solo project, Maxim Mental. Its name satirically addresses Max’s schtick as “that bipolar guy.”
Despite a music scene housing the ingenuine (where one of my closest friends was conned out of money), the hateful, and even sexual predators, Max has made consistent efforts to remain genuine while bridging the gap between him and his fans.
Max, by far, is not the only one to have done this, and he won’t be the last.
He has delivered personalized Cameos and has taught guitar lessons to fans. Max has also offered dozens of perks through a successfully funded Kickstarter (such as writing-related commissions and written lyric sheets) and has launched Song Shop and Song Stream for music-related commissions and private shows.
As technology advances and the effect of globalization becomes increasingly present in society, I believe that more creators will discover ways to bridge the gap between themselves and their fans. It was unforgettable to have met Max (even if online).
I was happy to tell him how his music and art have positively affected me. He thanked me for buying tickets to his show and humbly expressed that he would have no career if it weren’t for his fans.
I don’t know what the future holds for Max Bemis or myself. However, I will always have art to look forward to and to soothe me in times of distress – as will we all.
Summer 2022 Update: Sherri is back from rehab and is sober. She has released a new Eisley single (about overcoming addiction) entitled, “Raise Your Glass.”
- Say Anything Update: Say Anything is back from hiatus, and in May 2024, released the reunion record, “…Is Committed!”