Just another silly author who publishes deeply personal literature regarding mental health and the human condition

Conditional Love Preachers

Conditional Love Preachers

Life's philosophy on political theory

Conditional Love Preachers

the extremists
that they too
have better brains

as they entomb
their heads
immeasurably deep

& politically correct
bleeding liberal depths:
no longer lamenting
God’s death

& considering hedonism
all the while
as conceited conservatives
muse (also)

in forums
existentially confused:
preaching summits

but perceiving equity
as nothing more
than a ruse
for the underclass.

those like me?
we’re not so crass
but debilitated:
cradled & abused

so we lean
into the space between
all that is just
& all that is mean:

oh so tragically
or perhaps heroically,
actually, empathizing w/
& accepting

the quirks of the masses
despite unique perspectives:
no longer endorsing
malice or conditional love.

About Conditional Love Preachers

I know that I’ll be criticized for writing this poem and understand that I too, can be critical of others. In fact, Conditional Love Preachers is critical in and of itself. However, this poem is aimed at those who see things in “black and white” and who use their political views (whether liberal or conservative) as an excuse to cancel or berate those who simply aren’t “on their side.”

I strongly believe that no matter who you are, you should strive to show empathy and compassion toward others. It’s also commendable to advocate for a cause that you’re passionate about (assuming that you aren’t promoting hatred or injustice). Despite this, I’ve seen many with the mindset that those who think differently than them are irredeemable.

Such individuals label others who are ignorant or misinformed (or most commonly, those who they deem as ignorant or misinformed) as terrible people. I agree that even with the possibility of differences of opinion, some people truly are unaware of the facts. However, most people just want to know the truth (regardless of their intentions).

I can’t stress enough that just because someone isn’t a politically driven person or just because they don’t vote for the same politician that you do, it doesn’t automatically make them prejudiced, unethical or a bigot.

I am psychologically disabled and pansexual. In many ways, I am not “normal” and have always felt like an outcast to society. My current friends and family, however, have always made me feel comfortable and accepted.

For many, that isn’t always the case. I’ll never know exactly how others feel because I will have never been able to have walked in their shoes. Still, I understand the desire for change, and acknowledge others’ frustrations in a world where we continue to grow further apart despite efforts to grow closer together.

Conditional Love Preachers is my way of expressing that I think some people need to get serious about aligning their actions with their statements (especially online, where a lot of bullying goes on even among adults). I also think that those who preach negativity should take a step back to think about what they’re even saying to begin with.

On social media, things can get heated (which is why I only express criticisms like this through Justus Reinhardt and not on my personal accounts). Of course, it goes without saying that any hateful comments in the chat will be deleted. If you’d like to share your thoughts, I’d absolutely love to hear from you!

Justus Reinhardt

Justus Reinhardt enjoys writing articles, comics, poetry and prose stories. Through his compositions, Justus' goal is to help others by providing awareness to misunderstood topics.

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