Caveman Contemplations
though sick –
I am true, brave
& proud to admit
that my gruesome
hideously invasive
& cave dwelling id …
now only sometimes
gouges me, soullessly,
like ripping me from under
astonished eyes: violating me;
undressed in a private chamber, deep
in the earthly hell of the stinking caustic well
of my no longer hopeless or wholly insane mind
About Caveman Contemplations
“Caveman Contemplations” is about the intrusive thoughts many of us experience from time to time. It’s easy to be ashamed of these thoughts, but if you don’t linger on or act on them, they’re simply passing thoughts and nothing more (even if they can be traced back to certain themes in your life).
I strongly believe that we are not our thoughts. Instead, we are our actions. Overthinking and catastrophizing can make any person miserable. However, we can manage our negative emotions by learning to cope in healthy ways (allowing us to reprogram our minds).
I know from personal experience that this takes time and that it’s far from easy. Regardless, until we step forward, we will always be in the same place. Progress is still progress, no matter how small.